This Flower…

This flower is growing in my mother’s driveway. It sprouted earlier this summer when she scattered birdseed that was too large to fit in her bird feeder. My mom has flowers growing all over her yard. Flowers that she never really planted. She just scattered a few seeds here and there and waited for the beauty.

Out of all her flowers, this one wins the prize. My mom specifically asked me and my sister to park carefully when we visited, so as not to run over the sunflower that had begun to grow in her driveway. We followed her instructions, but failed to mention the flower to our children.

The flower was a source of joy for Mom, who can’t get out as much as she would like. She could view the flower from her sunroom and watch the beauty of its growth. A flower gracing the gravel with its glory.

Enter two young boys with light sabers. My son, Benjamin, and my sister’s son, Andrew were playing outside at Nana’s house when they discovered the large “weed” growing in the driveway. It did not yet have blooms and could easily have been mistaken for a weed. These boys know their Nana doesn’t like weeds in her yard and decided to take care of the problem. A few moments later, the flower had been whacked with Jedi force.

My sister, Kristi discovered how the young Jedi had tackled the “weed” and explained to them it was a flower. They quickly apologized to Nana and of course, she forgave. However, I knew the sight of the wilting flower would make her sad.

I visited a few days later and used scissors to trim everything that was dead. My hopes weren’t very high for recovery, but I reminded myself that it was in my mother’s yard, where everything grows.

By now you know the rest of the story. The flower has fully recovered and proudly shares its blooms with the world.

This story immediately turns my mind to the amazing things that God can do. My mom scattered several seeds at the beginning of the summer, but only one grew into a beautiful, blooming flower. We too are called to scatter the seeds of our faith to the world around us. Some of those seeds will never take root and grow, but some will grow and become the most beautiful children of God. Followers of Christ, forever changed for His glory.

Even those who begin to grow in the faith can be knocked down by the evil one. They can be torn apart because Satan doesn’t want them to bloom and grow and point others to the Savior. In these times of attack, it’s God our Father to the rescue. He is the One who gives life and gives it abundantly. He prunes those injured, dead places from our lives. He removes the weight of those burdens and restores us to a place where we can grow in His goodness. Praise be to God, the giver of all good things.

Father, help me to grow in your goodness and bloom radiantly for You. Help me to scatter the seeds of my faith so that others may know You and live for Your glory.

“Think about how the wildflowers grow. They don’t work or make clothes for themselves. But I tell you that even Solomon, the great and rich king, was not dressed as beautifully as one of these flowers. If God makes what grows in the field so beautiful, what do you think he will do for you? That’s just grass—one day it’s alive, and the next day someone throws it into a fire. But God cares enough to make it beautiful. Surely he will do much more for you. Your faith is so small! Luke 12:27-28 (ERV)

In His Love,

Karen 🌻